

So I am here to post my favourite three of the year so far. I found it quite easy to pick in the end. I'm not sure if that means that I only took three half decent shots this year, or maybe it is because there are three clear moments in what seems like the quickest six months ever. I've really found that the weeks come round quickly doing this project, but although that scares me, I'm so pleased to have recorded each week. I'm definitely thinking I want to make the series into a book. I think it will be a wonderful present perhaps to us as a family, or perhaps to Stanley himself at some point. I have enjoyed finding new blogs, as well as having a reason to keep this one going when a lot of the time I got too busy and fell out of love with blogging. Anyway my three are below. I hope you all like them too.

three favourites from the 52 project
For me they sum up Stanley's personality in 3 words, sensitive, inquisitive, and nature-loving.


  1. I also love the bathtub reflection! such a great image!

  2. love all of these ones! and yes you're right they sum up Stanley perfectly!

  3. Oh yes, the snow one had to be one of the three! The bath tub one is brilliant too, and I don't remember seeing your 3rd before, so I'm glad you reposted it!

  4. those photos are lovely and I can't lie I'm dying over your illustrations. I'm a UI designer but dear god my drawing skills lack, overly jealous :)

  5. oh the bathtub shot is fabulous!

  6. Ahh! All 3 are lovely but I have a soft spot for the 3rd! such a sweetie.


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