
A new outlet

I'm trying to put up more images about my day to day life, not just illustration related ones as I'm not doing as much work as I used to. I hope you will enjoy these posts as much!
I realise now with a baby that my working life is very different and actually looking after Stanley and the joy he gives me is more important that pursuing my 'career'. However I have really enjoyed being creative in kitting out his nursery. I wanted to find unusual things to go in there and not buy too many new things.

His cot is my cot that I had as a kid and I sanded down and gave a lick of pale grey paint.

The changing table is something I inherited from my parents that they used to have in their kitchen.

The images in frames on the wall are cut from wallpaper I found in the old boiler cupboard when we turned it into a little wardrobe for him.

I was really pleased with these. His room was obviously a nursery once before (our house was built in the 30s) and the paper looked hand printed - possibly from the 50s. It was very badly marked from the old boiler and people building round it so I was happy to save what I could.

Phew long post!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    Good to see you are having some creative motherly fun with Stanley's stuff : ) This all looks lovely - and what a great boiler cupboard find too!

    best wishes,



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