
On Tuesday we Read...

...The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew it was None of his Business by Werner Holzwarth and illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch.

It is a book basically about poo. Hence the bit about 'his business'!
I think it is brilliant - not crude - in fact rather informative about differnt types and shapes of animal poo. The mole character is fantastic...he goes around trying to work out who has pooed on his head! Haha so funny - I cannot wait until Stanley really understands this one!

Wolf Erlbruch's illustrations are genius. Really beautiful characters and lovely colour use. He is a winner of the Hans Christian Anderson award and rightly so I think.
Another book by him is called Duck, Death and the Tulip. I almost cried when I read it in a bookstore - it is so moving, and the illustrations are beautiful - so simple and powerful.


  1. I also love this book,luckily it's published in Turkey. BTW way,Satanley looks like he already understood the story:)

  2. Wolf Erlbruch is definitely one of a kind. You should make yourself a christmas present with "Wolf Erlbruchs Kinderzimmer Kalender". His calendars are always brilliant AND it is like buying twelve big prints of his artwork for small money. I think you can buy it even on amazon UK.


  3. Patrick - cheers for the tip i had no idea about the calendar...it's on my christmas list for sure!


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